How can I trust my feelings if I don’t know if my feelings belong to me or I’m picking them …
12 Tips for Authentic living
I was recently reviewing my journal and I found some notes that I had made several months ago. These are …
Me Time
The importance of taking time out for ourselves and the benefits it has on our health, is now well publicised. …
What is lungeing? As you read these words, what word or picture springs to mind? Boring – Pointless – Dangerous …
Wake up and smell the Roses
Equine Facilitated Learning can help you reclaim your sense of self Why did I dream of lakes and mountains and …
Make it Happen!
Setting Authentic New Year’s Resolutions So, I spent yesterday clearing the decks, so to speak. I planned next week, prepared …
Follow Your Dream
The Ideal Day is one of my favourite coaching exercises. If you can take yourself to a place where you …
Just be Yourself
Accessing Authenticity Authenticity is the ‘real’ you – your heart and soul – the essence of who you are. It’s …
Confident rider
But what if you’re not? ‘Just be confident’ was the title that had run through my awareness yesterday. I was …
What is Success?
Being in relationship! I’ve been around horses my whole life. As a child it was natural to want to be …
As I hacked Jack out yesterday it was as if he was seeing things for the first time. Warmbloods are …
Spooky Horses
When you help your horse to connect with his feelings and express his sensitivity you are more likely to solve …