Dr Frances Rossouw, MD – Personal Development client

“Rosie’s workshop was a powerful way to experience the wisdom and life lessons that horses have to teach in a completely safe environment. I learnt about emotional intelligence and was able to explore feelings of vulnerability without feeling, or being, victimised. As Linda Kohanov puts it in her book I could sit around all day reading books about horse training, relationships and personal development but the crucible of turning that knowledge into wisdom involves experience. That’s what Rosie’s workshop offers and with it the opportunity to experience immense and powerful emotional shifts.

In my experience as both a medical practitioner and a patient those same shifts may take years of medication, verbal psychotherapy or psychological/ psychiatric intervention. After years of psychotherapy and personal development / self-help, Rosie’s workshops are the most powerful form of therapy I have experienced and with it the relationship I have developed with my beautiful mare.”

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