Clare Nice – Connect workshop – May 2022

The idea of living as my authentic self was very appealing to me but I really wanted help to ascertain what this was.  In three days I learnt so much about myself that I was unaware of.  It’s all there deep within our subconscious and the horses really helped me to access my feelings on a deeper level.  I came away with methods to understand and process my emotions better which I am finding incredibly helpful on a daily basis.  I feel able to view situations and people differently now and I understand myself better.  I feel excited about the prospects for change now.


There was a file with notes but most of the learning came from working through the exercises and each participant on their own journey.  Rosie made everything about the workshop a choice and was very respectful about emotions – so although at times I felt well out of my comfort zone it was a very safe and positive experience with the other participants and also with the horses.

Rosie is a truly gifted, compassionate and inspiring coach.  She has really lived this transformation and also demonstrates how the learning is ongoing every day, if you are considering a workshop just do it!

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