I was in a strange place when I saw the advert for your Living Life with Contentment course and it just resonated with me. I had done a little bit of work with you before, a long time ago, and had been receiving your newsletter emails which I always find interesting, so I was confident that you would put together a course that would enable me to explore my issues whilst being supportive and challenging in just the right proportions… I was not wrong!
I was hoping to work through the blocks in my head so that I could feel more content and happy within myself. I was looking for a way to be more at ease with who I am, warts and all!
The content about the course just made me feel that the course would meet my needs, so, although I am usually not one for working in groups, something about the way you described it made it feel safe and supported.
The weekly meetings over the initial 8 weeks were really helpful to focus my mind on what was coming up for me during each session. Although I did get emotional in some of the sessions I always felt supported and that it was ok. Subsequently of course our group has stayed together and met up on a retreat and I just feel that we have bonded incredibly well. We are all so different but that just makes it even more helpful when something another member of the group brings up resonates with the rest of us, which so often happens. I find that greater understanding of my own issues and blocks has come from listening to the rest of the group and how they see the world.
I have learned so much about how I react to situations and why that might be, I am learning more about how others (ie those in the group) react which may be different to me or strangely similar. I feel more at ease with who I am, and I don’t need to be constantly comparing myself to others. Live life with grace!