Richie Moore – Connect Workshop – November 2016

I initially got interested in your workshop to further my interest into EFL. However, it quickly became apparent I was there for another reason, at the time unbeknown to me.

I really enjoyed the safe environment you created which certainly helped facilitate the changes which took place for all of us. The tasks set were very simple yet so very effective at reflecting back the learning which had taken place. You taught me to self reflect (body scan) before invading a horse’s space which I found so obvious in hindsight, yet had never done!

Now life has taken a huge 360′ turn around! After a very long and powerful healing crisis, which gave me the time to heal my body and contemplate where I was at, I was able to see the in-congruency I was living and the lack of boundaries I had set. I was able to see that values and beliefs I had formed some 15 years ago were no longer serving me, in fact some were even detrimental. I literary lay in my sick bed questioning what I was holding on to and how it was, or not serving the authentic me. As a result I have changed my diet, my exercise routine and my beliefs round animal/ human relationships and stepped in to the authentic/ congruent me! And heres the thing… It feels amazing!

Do not underestimate the power of this course and the horses you work with. Rosie provides such a lovely safe environment for learning it’s a must for anyone wanting to explore their authentic self!

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