Harassed, angry and incapable!
Rachael decided to have coaching with me because, despite having a loving and happy family who mean a great deal to her, she felt unfulfilled in herself. She felt as if she was searching for something but didn’t really know what she was seeking. She often felt harassed, angry and incapable and was struggling to feel true happiness and contentment.
keep getting stuck thinking you should feel somehow else?
Her relationship with her husband seemed to be stuck, good times followed by eruptions and then it would settle a little. Nothing serious but the easy-going partnership they shared was put under unnecessary strain. She was lacking self-confidence and self-worth and kept getting stuck thinking that she should feel somehow else!
What she really wanted was to find her inner strength of confidence, self-esteem and to connect with her true feelings.
Harness the learning and put it to work!
Rachael had tried various therapies and techniques in the past, Hypnotherapy, NLP, EFT and ‘just manning up’ to list a few; and while she had experienced degrees of success with some of them, the results had often been short lived and she had found herself back where she started.
The first session started with a short meditation to help Rachael connect with what she wanted to gain from the process in an embodied way. Then I taught Rachael how to listen to what her body was trying to tell her using a Body Scan. Even after this first session Rachael realised a noticeable difference to her state of being, and it was such a relief. In fact, she found it quite strange how good she felt. Almost back to feeling ‘normal’. The coaching sessions were fortnightly, and Rachael was really pleased with the way she was able to integrate the Body Scan into her everyday life. In the second session we went through a process to understand the meaning of emotions and to respond in a way which allowed the emotion to dissipate on its own.
learn to dentify the stories which are holding you back
This process Rachael found more challenging, she struggled, and it felt like she had slipped into old ways. She found it reassuring to know that this is a frequent pattern and why it’s important to have sessions at regular intervals. After that ‘hiccup’ Rachael discovered that she was able to relax and begin to harness what she was learning and even begin to put it to work when she found things slipping. In the third session Rachel learned to identify the stories (voices in her head) which were holding her back, to realise how, at one time, they had been a useful survival pattern, but were now limiting her ability to develop her confidence and self-esteem. In the fourth session Rachael became clear about what she really wanted and how she could bring her actions into alignment.
Discover what makes your heart sing!
After four sessions of coaching Rachel said that her relationship with her husband had ‘found its groove’ again, which ultimately allowed her to be far more relaxed and at ease with herself. She had reconnected with herself, found her confidence and discovered what work made her heart sing.
Being honest is very important to Rachael and so the fact that the coaching is all about reconnecting yourself with who you truly are, helped her to put the pieces of the puzzle back together in the right order.
reconnect yourself with who you truly are
Rachael shared very honestly that she did not find it an easy process, and that it took effort to form the habits needed to help herself. However, she has found that it’s been the one form of coaching therapy that has had noticeable, long-lasting and positive results for her.
If you would like to find out more about my coaching approach, then do get in touch via email.