Online 8 week Group Coaching Programme – starts 11th January 2022
Just imagine knowing that it’s not only ok, but essential to take time out for yourself to find the balance you’re looking for. By deepening your connection to your purpose you can truly experience contentment in your life.
This ‘Living your life with contentment’ group online coaching programme will give you that time and safe space to reflect and will guide your through practical steps to feel and share your true feelings, move through self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviours and get clear on what truly brings purpose and contentment into your life. And, it gives you the support to integrate this new way of being.
“This programme was so good I didn’t want it to end! It has helped me identify what triggers emotional imbalance, how to honour my emotions, and take practical steps to find emotional equilibrium. I have identified behaviours I display that I’d previously been unaware of and these have led to me supporting my children in a more helpful and pro-active manner.”
Many of us are not good at setting boundaries around our own time and space. We’re too good at looking after the needs of others on a practical and emotional level. Over time this can lead to negative thinking, lack of confidence and trust in ourselves and even exhaustion!
It’s impossible to give your best to others when you are drained and overwhelmed yourself. Taking time out for yourself to find that balance is essential to your own wellbeing and in turn will benefit those you support.
This programme will help you move through confusion and overwhelm, experience more calm, get clear on what’s really important to you and live your life with purpose and contentment.
Who will benefit from this programme?
We all long for a life of contentment. A life where we feel truly connected to ourselves and to those we love and where emotional blocks don’t prevent us from being who we are, unapologetically. If you can relate to this you will probably be thinking to yourself “this is all well and good but how do I find the time and space to get to this point?”. You definitely aren’t alone in thinking this. Our day to day lives are often so fraught with things we need to do and the expectations of others that it takes all our energy just to keep our heads above water. Making the decision to take that time and space for yourself is the first step!
This programme is for you if you are a therapist, parent, coach, or someone in a supporting role and:-
- Are aware of your pattern of giving too much to others and ready to give back to yourself
- Would enjoy the benefit of the connection with a small group in which to share, learn & develop
- Want to embody ways to manage and process emotional and mental blocks
- Are intending to join one of my Equine Facilitated Learning workshops and would love to get a deeper understanding of the way I work
- Have attended previous workshops with me and want to revisit some of the content to further your personal development
The aim of this programme is to give you a safe, judgement free space where you can explore what needs to change in your life for you to regain your enthusiasm for your everyday life.
This programme covers key foundational skills to emotional wellbeing and offers you a guided journey through practical steps to understand your emotions, break free from limiting beliefs and gain a deeper connection to your purpose so that you can live with more contentment.
Programme Outline
Creating the Space
Over the past ten years of facilitating group workshops these are the elements which I’ve learned create a nurturing space and to which I commit in this programme: –
- Setting authentic community building agreements at the beginning of the programme
- Creating a safe and non-judgemental space
- Encouraging open sharing
- Inspiring curiosity and an opportunity to experiment with new ways of being
- Supporting authentic communication and connection
- Honouring what has gone well and sharing personal insights and achievements
How each session will flow
- Each session will begin with an opportunity to share how you are feeling in the moment.
- Next, I will share a theoretical element and give you some ideas for practical integration into your life.
- A moment for any questions
- This will be followed by an experiential activity and an opportunity for you to share your experience with the group
- Another moment for questions
- The closing sharing will include your main insight/learning from the session and one thing which you intend to integrate during the coming week
What the 8-week programme will cover
- A mandala to uncover your personal intention for the programme
- Mindfulness meditation
- The Body Scan
- How to use emotions as information; use the 4-step process to understand and express your emotions fluently
- The ‘Rosie’ process to release and move through limiting patterns of belief and behaviour
- Embracing your positive emotions – (including contentment)
- An exercise to make conscious the life purpose you are already living
- Owning your shadow – recognising projections and integrating both the light and the dark
- A gratitude ceremony – to acknowledge – what’s gone well and what challenges you have overcome during the programme; what you have learned; what you are ready to release and leave behind and what you are grateful for and going to take with you
However, I will be guided by the flow of the group and will adapt and be flexible when necessary.
“Fully experiencing the connection that exists between us all is the secret to true contentment”
Simon Boylan
Practical Information – 8-week online programme
Dates: Wednesdays 12th/19th/26th January; 2nd/9th/16th/23rd February & 2nd March 2022
Time: 10am – 12noon
How: Online – via Zoom
Cost: £380
(£100 deposit with booking, balance £280 due by 31st December 2021)
To book: Email
Dates: Monday 17th/24th/31st January; 7th/14th/21st/28th February and 7th March 2022.
Time: 7pm – 9pm
How: Online – via Zoom
Cost: £380
(£100 deposit with booking, balance £280 due by 31st December 2021)
To book: Email
One of the biggest blocks to taking the time which you so desperately need for yourself is your self sabotaging belief ‘I don’t have time’.
“I didn’t have time to join this programme, but I’m so glad that I did, because I now realise that my belief ‘I don’t have time’ was holding me back from enjoying my life.”
“Living life with contentment is the greatest well-being”
Lailah Gifty Akita